Saturday, November 21, 2009

Road Signs

Ever have an older person in your life, maybe a Grandmother, or some other relation, who had a piece of scripture as artwork on their wall? When I think of this, dozens of examples flash through my memory of many a framed bit of the Word hanging in a living room, kitchen, bedroom, etc.

It used to be when I saw things like that, I thought the person who hung it put it there to illustrate their beliefs to anyone who came to visit. It was a declaration of faith, placed on the wall by a pious soul, in the one section of the world they could govern without anyone telling them otherwise.

Now, however, I think (in most cases at least) that's not true. The inside walls of our house reflect on us more than anyone else. Why decorate for the occasional visitor?

No matter how strong we could ever become in God's ways, we're still sinners at heart. And as such, we need these things to remind us daily of what we ought to be, not what try to force others to become.

With that in mind, we've taken to printing out bits of scripture and hanging them on our 'fridge. Mainly because we can't afford nice artwork anymore. But, does it really matter if the message is conveyed through a fine painting or a simple print out from a laser jet?

Right now, we have two on there, so that every time we go to the kitchen, we'll be reminded of these passages, ones we're striving to adhere to each and every day.

So, if you come by and see it, rest assured we're not trying to push you down a path, but guide ourselves down one. Of course, you're welcome to come along...

“…you must be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry.”
–James 1:19

“…the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
– James 3:17

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