It’s Friday.
Good Friday.
Before I came to Christ I used to say “Of course it’s Good Friday, Friday is always good if I don’t have to work on Saturday.” Now I know how much better this particular Friday is for everyone… something much better than sleeping in on Saturday, that’s for sure.
Last weekend, the awesome Elementary Pastor I volunteer under at Eagle Brook Church’s Blaine Campus mentioned how the attacks always come this week. It makes sense that this week more than any other the roaring lion is out to devour us. But, he’s already lost and Sunday’s coming.
So far this week, we’ve heard of our good friends’ little girl coming down with leukemia and we’ve prayed with another couple over the news they lost their unborn child. Please join us in lifting both of these families up to Him.
Thankfully, both families know God is good, all the time. So, instead of grumbling, fretting, wringing our hands and gnashing our teeth on Good Friday, which is exactly what the enemy wants, we all need to Praise God for all the blessings he’s bestowed on us.
For our family, I want to praise God for the following:
• Our eternal salvation and all the Grace that comes with it
• Our health, hope and happiness
• Each other: I don't know what I'd do without my beautiful wife and don't know how I lived without our amazing little boy.
• Our daily provision: God has always met our needs, no matter what the enemy might try to convince us of otherwise.
• Hope in Him
• Our wonderful extended family
• The many blessings of having so many wonderful friends
• The ability to live in a free country, where worshiping our Lord isn’t a crime
• The handful of great churches we follow: Eagle Brook Church, Gateway Church, Mars Hill Church, LifeChurch, Palm Valley Church and more.
• The amazing free teaching we partake of on the internet and TV from Mark Driscoll, Craig Groeschel, Greg Rohlinger, John Burke and shows like Creation on the Web.
• Our mentors: Tom and Moe
• Our jobs
• Helping bring others to Christ and helping other Christians grow in their faith
• You
Sure it’s easy to fixate on the negatives, but I reject the idea that the enemy gets to decide where our vision falls. It’s up to us to look to Christ and from there, we’ll see so much more. For, who sees the horizon when they’re staring at the ground?
Look up. See Him. Praise Him.
Father God,
Your awesomeness exceeds the ability of any human language to quantify. Your love for us is greater than we’ll ever know in this phase of our existence. Your sacrifice for us on Good Friday goes far beyond anything any of us could ever endure. For all of that, I want to thank you, praise you, hold onto you and beg you to always hold onto us.
I say these things in your Son’s holy and precious name,
As a Catholic Christian, I've always been moved by the image of crucifix. Having this depiction of my Lord & Savior hanging on that cross, I can't help by bow my head and pray for his forgiveness, but I never have to ask "How much do you love me, Lord?" I only need to look at that crucifix and his arms opened wide. "Unto life eternal, he shows me." Even in that horrible death, He remained "..the truth, the life and the way." Amen.